Thriller Dance



    If you ever wish your “Thriller” dance moves could transcend what you’ve learned from watching the video at home, this Halloween weekend may finally hold you chance. Equinox will host its 9th annual Heroes and Villains party at the Dartmouth Street location on Saturday, Oct. 29 with this year’s theme honoring the late great Michael Jackson. Both members and non-members can join in on the 60-minute class where Equinox instructors Chad Flahive, Kristy DiScipio and Shandell Raposa will guide participants of all levels through the iconic dance choreography.

    The only catch? They’d like for you to come in costume — your favorite hero or villain, please.

    Previous years have enticed crowds ranging from 80 to 120, so expect a fulfilling zombie-fied experience. The class will be followed by light refreshments and Halloween treats — though we suspect they’re on the healthier end of the spectrum.

    And the best part of all? It’s totally free. That’s so good it’s scary.

    If you go: 

    Oct. 29 at 12:05 p.m.
    Equinox Dartmouth
    131 Dartmouth St., Boston
    RSVP to

    SOURCE: Metro