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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

John Branca speaks to Billboard about Sony/ATV Publishing

While the Wade Robson’s case has been reschedule to April 20 due to the death of Jon Steinsapir’s daughter Molly [The case was supposed to take place on February 24, 2021], John Branca had the time to speak to Billboard about the rebranding of Sony/ATV Publishing.

John Branca seems to have made peace with the same Billboard that supported “Leaving Neverland” few years back.

In the recent interview Branca revealed “Michael’s dream was to create the biggest publisher in the world, Michael is the person who was single-handedly most responsible for the growth of Sony/ATV. That’s not to take anything away from [former chairman/CEO] Martin Bandier, who was very influential and instrumental in growing the company, or present chairman/CEO Jon Platt, with whom the company is in great hands. But it really started with Michael.”

Branca also told Billboard that Michael was determined to get the Beatles Catalog: “He appreciated great songs and great songwriting and in his mind the Beatles were the greatest. So when the Beatles catalog came up, my God, he couldn’t rest. It took almost a year to finish that deal and get that catalog, but I can’t tell you how excited he was.”

Branca also shared memories about Michael and how excited he was about publishing rights:

“I remember mentioning to him that growing up, I’d been a fan of Dion and the Belmonts and noted that Dion’s “Runaround Sue” and “The Wanderer” were for sale. Michael said, “I don’t know those songs; send them over.” Michael would always spend Sundays dancing, so on Monday morning, he called me up: “Branca, Branca. I love the songs! We’ve got to get them. I danced all day to ‘Runaround Sue.’’’ Michael was passionate beyond belief.”

SOURCE: Billboard

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